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The Hodge Silk Bass Clarinet Swab

The silk bass clarinet swabs are made with a large plastic coated lead weight allowing the swab to drop through the instrument without hanging up in the large key holes. It is capable of cleaning the entire instrument. Because of the bass clarinet's length, the swab is designed to clean the neck separately.


The Qualities of Silk

All Hodge silk swabs are made from 100% silk and come in performers black, royal blue, burgundy, forest green, and deep purple.  Silk is very absorbent, soaking up water in instruments better than any other natural material on the market, including both cotton and chamois.  Most uniquely, silk is also very compressible, making it possible to pull through instruments with large variations in bore size.  In addition, silk is lint free.

Hodge Bass Clarinet Swab

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